Our other stays

Multiactivity stays, stay gite & donkeys, hiking photos ...

Multiactivity holidays

From April to July

Sherp'Anes also offers multiactivity stays from 2 days to a week with the program: hiking with donkeys, mountain biking with Ecole Buissonière, Stays in pedagogical farm with animal and know-how activities, itinerary accro roc. For planning contact us

Stays with hiking donkeys in star model

An ideal formula for the weekend

You opt for the formula lodging stay and you benefit from a beautiful room from 2 to 6 beds, kitchen, living room, tennis, garden and you go for hikes in the 1/2 day or day with picnic in the forest, It is an ideal formula for the weekend, a real breath of fresh air!

Training with hiking and photos

On reservation, groups of 7 to 11 people

You dream is becoming a nature reporter? The light of the causses, the hair of angels, the incredible orchids and all the magic of these wild landscapes ...

We offer you as part of a day hike to perfect your art. You will go with 2 or 3 donkeys, with a professional photographer, for a day on the causses, hiking 6 km, where you can try the photography of landscapes, find all the richness of the flora and take in the best angle, Your fellow-travelers with big ears!

All the advice will be given to you to make the most beautiful shots while walking ... Meals taken from the bag, with picnic in the forest.

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