
Equipment provided

Equipment provided for the donkey :

-A pack
-Two large side saddlebags
-The flange and the lanyard
-Food (grains and seal).

Equipment provided for you

-An IGN 2642 and TOP 25 map at the 1: 25,000 scale.
-A detailed guidebook
-List of tips for trail markers

Practical advices

The hiker’s equipment is classic for hiking:

Clothing for rain, heat and / or wind (depending on the season)
Good walking shoes for rugged terrain but also because you walk next to clogs!
One duvet per person
Pocket lamps
Garbage bags to put your “changes” and your duvets in the shelter in case of rain
A tarpaulin

Even if it is the donkey that carries your luggage, remember that weight and volume are never trumps in hiking … Travel light!

The donkey carries your child: some rules must be respected …

Never tie your child to the donkey
Do not leave your child alone on the donkey
The donkey must be led by an adult
It is always under the responsibility of the parent or guardian that the child rides on a donkey.

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