The breeding of donkeys

Extensive breeding on more than 150 hectares, full board and transport of large ears.

About breeding

Donkeys of different breeds

We breed and select robust donkeys with a solid frame to carry heavy loads.

This breeding, made up of donkeys of different breeds, makes it possible to obtain bourricots toising between 1.25 m and 1.50 m at the withers, ideal for the long journey, the mount and / or the coupling.

All our donkeys are sold at weaning or at the age of 3 years educated in the pack and / or the carriage.

From Andalous and Andalous

High donkeys

We are the only ones in France to breed this kind of large donkeys, adult can toe between 1.40 m and 1.60 m at the withers.

Our donkey “Machacante”, pure Andalusian race, 1.61 m at the withers, born in 2013, from UGRA in Malaga breeding in purebred and crossing with other large breeds or mowing production.

Naissances 2016 et 2017:

-Gatsby, male pure andalou, 23 months

-Gulli, female pure andalous, 18 months

-Gazelle, female and baudet du Poitou from quinine du Vern, 22 month

-Happy, female pure andalous, 13 months

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