To eat

To eat during your stay in la Vacquerie

The farm caravan

At home !

You can quench your thirst in our refreshment bar, taste cheese and cold meats during a gourmet break and buy our products as well as local products

The breakfasts are also served at the farm caravan. Open from June to September, from 8am to 7pm, dancing on summer evening ! Facebook page :</a>.

Le Bistrot Larzac

A cozy wooden restaurant

Adjoining the cottage, the Bistrot Larzac welcomes you all the year and proposes lunch and dinner menus concocted with local products, grills to savor, homemade fries ...

In a warm setting of wood restaurant, Cyril will simmer quality dishes in an atmosphere of relaxation and conviviality! Booking advised on 04 99 91 43 20

El Rancho

Restaurant Uruguayen

El Rancho is opened from April to October, in the Mas Cisco's farm, on the way of Saint Maurice Navacelles, only few minutes from us. You will find burgers from the farm, concerts on saturdays .

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